Hyperopia is a condition that results from the eye being smaller, or shorter (from front to back) than normal. When we look at a distant object, the light rays bounce off the object
409 Lafollette Sta S, Floyds Knobs, IN 47119 contact@precisionfamilyeyecare.com 812-728-8163
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Hyperopia is a condition that results from the eye being smaller, or shorter (from front to back) than normal. When we look at a distant object, the light rays bounce off the object
Astigmatism is a refractive condition that results from an abnormal shape or curvature of the front part of the eye (the cornea). Simply put, an astigmatic eye has different curvatures on the front of the
Presbyopia, commonly known as the “Curse of the 40’s” is a normal condition that occurs as our eyes age which makes it difficult to see clearly when looking at near objects such as
Eye alignment and coordination play a large role in development of the visual system. Here we will discuss several binocular vision problems that can have a life long affect on vision. Strabmismus (Eye
Cataracts is the most common ocular disease that results in decreased vision, usually occurring as part of the normal aging process of the eye. Inside our eyes, we have a clear, round lens that
Glaucoma, a neuro-degenerative disease that affects 2.5 million people nationwide, accounts for 12% of blindness in the US and is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. This condition occurs due to damage